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Capitan Release Notes 2020

New feature       Improved feature      Bug fixed

Nov 1, 2020

You can now install a public facing company directory in your website.

 The Content editor has been improved with options for a brand colour palette, a new Font Awesome button for easy icon insertion, new visual elements to aid content building, new layout/design formats for easier building, and the link builder now allows you add a new link as plain text or a button.

We've added extended cache control functionality for developers: if you feel like the browser is caching your CSS during development, you can add *?capdev=true* to the end of the URL to force refresh.

 We fixed a bug where Access keys were unavailable when building/editing items.

 We fixed a bug where stored "edit level" wasn't correctly displayed when editing items.

 We fixed a bug with forms where "send data to admin" wasn't correctly displayed when editing items.

Oct 28, 2020

 We fixed a general authentication bug resulting in 404.

 We fixed some display issues on windows machines.

 We fixed issues with loading email templates/content.

 We fixed a single/double quote bug in email subject and preview lines.

 We fixed a bug with visitor session continuation after converting to "known visitor".

Oct 11, 2020

We've improved Capitan installation to guide users through setting up websites using a spare domain when the real domain is being used by a live site.

New website status "sandbox mode" added. Websites in sandbox mode are publicly available and can be loaded using OTHER_DOMAINS without the URL rewriting to FQDN. SEO robots are explicitly told noindex,nofollow.

Capitan can now override default www. web domains to create custom subdomains to be set up if required. (ie: El Roboto runs on design is a custom subdomain)

Oct 6, 2020

Forms now have an option to relay data to third parties (salesforce, campaign monitor, mailchimp, etc.)

We’ve integrated Google Places API to allow end users of the website to find/autopopulate their address.

We’ve added the option to display the form field labels inside the field instead of above to make forms look more streamlined. When an end user fills in the field, the label moves to the top-right of the field so that you still know what the field is for. This can be invoked with the magiacode:

Access Key Enabled Navigation
Keywords for: Capitan Release Notes

Google Places API integration, third-party data relay forms, Capitan user experience updates, bespoke website build, Capitan release notes, bug fixes Capitan, Capitan installation guide, sandbox mode website, website directory feature, Capitan content editor, email template issues, Capitan website setup, SEO robots directives, public website availability, Capitan custom subdomains, website caching solutions, form field labels, web development updates., Capitan features 2020, Capitan improvements, 404 authentication bug, Capitan, CRM, e-marketing, e-billing, analytics, website, London, Kensington, Bayswater