Capitan Systems Limited

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  • Website Couture from £2,000
    (bespoke design & custom built websites)
  • For UK sole traders


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  • Website Couture from £4,000
    (bespoke design & custom built websites)
  • For UK SME's


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  • Website Couture from £2,000
    (bespoke design & custom built websites)
  • For UK charities


configure license

Capitan license includes:

Individual Enterprise Charity

Website Hosting

High performance U.K. managed hosting
99.9% uptime SLA
SSL certificate registration
Domain name registration
Mobile app hosting & APIs

Maintenance Contract

Managed platform upgrades
Server maintenance & security updates
RAID-10 managed back-ups
Domain & SSL renewals
DNS management

Content Managment System (Web-Builder/CMS)

Build pages, tiles, tables, galleries, carousels, data-capture forms
WYSIWYG content editor
Content drafting tools
Advanced content privatisation & personalisation
Social interaction tools: sharing, rating, commenting
Tracked landing pages
Click & timer triggered pop-up content
Time based content activation & expiry
Content change-logs & performance analytics
Online file manager including private directory controls

Capitan Modules

Articles: Publish news, blogs, etc
Publications: Publish documentation
E-commerce: Sell products & services, and accept donations online
Events: Publish event listings and sell tickets online
Knowledgebase: Publish self-help content for your customers
Public Directory: Host a public company directory
Vacancies: Post vacancies and accept online applications

Website Design & Template Management Tools

HTML & CSS editor
Integrated Bootstrap framework
Design staging environment
Page specific template overrides

Customer Relationship Managment (Operational CRM)

Built-in Cookie Management
Contact, company and list management
GDPR compliance tools & audit trails
Customisable relationship tiers & types
Automated e-mail verification
Customer portal and account managment interface
Online chat agent
Support ticket system
CSV import/export
Lead/prospect/customer profiling, site usage analytics
Time based relationship activation & expiry
Monthly lead/prospect/customer ranking
CRM change-logs & sales analytics

E-Mail System

Send marketing e-mails & service e-mails
Content notification e-mail system included
Integrated e-mail performance analytics
Configure transactional e-mails for forms and other visitor actions
Branded communication preferences page
Branded e-mail templates included
Drag & drop e-mail content builder
DKIM, DMARC and SPF policy configuration
E-mail bounce and failure detection

E-Billing System

E-quotes with online approval links
Automated quote expiry reminder e-mails
E-invoices with online payment links
Automated invoice overdue e-mails
Configure repeat billing subscriptions
Allow online part-payment of invoices secure payment integration
Integrated sales analytics

Automation Tools

Auto e-mail follow-ups
Progress leads/prospects/contacts through groups based on web-activity
Customisable monthly reports

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Organic search engine optimsation tools
Automated SEO code optimisation
Automated XML sitemaps
Automated RSS feeds

Capitan Tech Support & Nurturing Growth

Dedicated account manager
Online knowledge-base
Free support via ticketing system
Free support via telephone
Free system customisation consultations
Free annual review: SEO/UX/UI/Analytics & growth consultation
Access Key Enabled Navigation
Keywords for: Capitan offers the incredible value and extensive functionality

bespoke website build, Capitan, CRM, e-marketing, e-billing, analytics, website, London, Kensington, Bayswater